P5&M3 – Explain the physical and psychological changes which may be associated with ageing and discuss the effects on self esteem and self confidence of the physical changes associated with ageing.

P5 &M3 – Explain the physical and psychological changes which may be associated with ageing and discuss the effects on self esteem and self confidence of the physical changes associated with ageing.

In this assignment I will be explaining the physical and psychological changes that are associated with ageing  and I will also be discussing the effects that it may have on Bob Marley’s self esteem and self confidence because of him ageing.

As Bob got older he started to experience physical things that were changing gradually such as his skin, bones , joints and also his muscles.His skin became thinner which means it was more wrinkled and there was less elasticity in his skin.When he was around the age of sixty years old his bones also started to become weaker and more likely to fracture himself or even have a serious injury accident.

Over time Bob Marley’s ear started to change which meant his hearing started to decline his hearing became really bad because he wasn’t able to hear as much as he used to now that he is in the life stage later adulthood. Bobs eye sight started to deteriorate  so he then started to wear glasses as his sight was no good at this stage.

Another problem that Bob faced was having breathing problems his heart wasn’t bumping as much it should be.

A physical change Bob Marley is that he was more immune to any illness and is health was getting  more of a concern. Arthritis is a common condition illness that a elderly  person often gets where there is pain and inflammation in a joint.

A physical change Bob Marley went through is a change in his appearance he looked older he developed grey hair and his hair began to go thinner.These changes affected him emotionally as it effected him in a negative way which made him depressed of how he looked knowing the fact that he is getting older. Bobs self esteem and self confidence was lowered as he did not feel good looking and he wasn’t comfortable with his appearance.

Bob Marley developed a life threatening condition called malignant melanoma which is a certain type of skin cancer found under his toe. Even though Bob marley had a serious medical condition it did not stop him from doing what he loved which was music.

Ageism did not really affect Bob Marley as he was not stereotyped as a useless person and unable to cope because he was able to still do things he enjoyed and his career.

Psychological change that may be associated with ageing is mood swings meaning mood could vary and change on a regular basis.This could make him feel happy one minute and sad the next and confused. His thoughts and mind begin to change over time.

Some psychological changes that are associated with ageing is his personality, his memory and social development. During later adulthood the last stage of ageing, he is most likely to experience a memory loss as it may take longer for him to recall things. This might cause him to be frustrated because it is becoming a concern. Loss of memory can cause him to be not included with society and others.

In conclusion, I have concluded both P5 and M3 together. I have discussed many different physical changes which effected Bob Marley as a elderly ageing.I have included physical changes which effects his self confidence and self esteem. I also included a physical change such as a illness and appearance changing.

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