Unit 4 : Development Through The Life Stages – Celebrity: Bob Marley P1- Describe Physical, intellectual , emotional and social development for each of the lifestages of your chosen celebrity.

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Unit 4 : Development Through The Life Stages

This unit is about the development through each life stage and I have based my assignment on a black inspirational celebrity Bob Marley. In this unit I will be talking about the life stages Bob Marley goes through and this unit is about understanding the way we change over time.  It talks more in depth about the human development and lifestyle factors that may effect a individual. I will also be discussing theories of ageing and the effects of ageing on an individual. How it could affect a individual physically and mentally it can also affect their self esteem and self concept.

Image result for bob marley timeline of life


Bob Marley a Reggae singer also known as Bob as a nick name. Famous for his singing, His nationality is Jamaican and  his religion is Rastafarian movement. Born on 6th February in 1945. Bob Marley died on 11th of May 1981, In Miami . The cause of his death was caused because of a illness. The illness Bob Marley had was called Malignant melanoma – skin cancer . He had a aggressive form of skin cancer. He was advised treatment from stopping the cancer from spreading. However, Bob Marley did not want to get a cure, a treatment as he thought it will be against his religious.

P1- Describe Physical, intellectual , emotional and social development for each of the lifestages of your chosen celebrity.

In this section I will be describing the physical, intellectual  , emotional and social development through the life stages of Bob Marley. There are different life stages Bob Marley has gone through which are: Conception, Infancy , Early Childhood , Adolescence  , Early Adulthood, Middle Adulthood, Later Adulthood and Death.


Bob Marleys life begins with Conception. Conception, also known as fertilisation ,it the fusing sex cells. It first develops into an Embryo which will eventually develop into a baby. Conception takes place when a single egg into the mother,

In the Fallopian tubes this is called ovulation. The sperm cell and egg cell then meets this makes the development of a new cell.


Pregnancy is the nine month long process in which a newly embryo will grow and transform into a baby. At one month pregnant Bob Marley was still a Embryo. He then starts to form and develop. He is forming for birth.

Pregnancy is the development of one or more offspring, known as a embryo or foetus. This usually takes 40 weeks after conception is taken place.

These weeks are divided into three trimesters.

Fully developed baby Bob Marley, after 24 weeks , his organs are also fully formed. He now has a face of a new born baby.


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Bob Marley is born after 9 months as he is ready to be born and his mother is now ready to give birth . When he was  born he was put on his mothers chest once born as its skin to skin contact. Skin to skin is a deep attachment between a mother and baby. This is also a way of the two to bond.


Image result for black little boy with dreads

This is the first life stage which takes place between the ages of 0 – 2 years old.

Physical development-

In this life stage Bob grew very rapidly, he gradually began to control his muscles in his neck and then his back. He is  able to do little things such as crawling and being able to sit. Bob also starts to develop his Fine motor skills and Gross motor skills. Motor skills are actions that involves a baby using his or hers muscles. Fine motor skills are smaller actions and Gross motor skills are larger movements your baby could make with either there arms, legs, feet or his entire body.

An example of  Gross motor skills is walking , jumping , skipping and many other things that involve your body. An example of fine motor skills is drawing , colouring and writing.

Intellectual development-

In this stage of development the brain grows and the child is then able to recognise sounds . It could be sounds that a mother makes to there child or a letter in the alphabet like A ….B … C.

Bob is able to recognise certain sounds as the brain is growing.

Emotional development-

They begin to develop some type of emotions, gradual development of emotions for example : happiness , a child can show a form of happiness in the way they act and show themselves. They could be down and rowdy showing a sign of unhappy and sad.  Example of happiness is when a child enjoys their bath time.

Social development-

At this age Bob has learned how to play with other children and learn how to share with others. By playing and socialising with other children they will learn new faces.

When Bob is two years old he has learned a lot about how to interact with others which shows that he is able to  build friendships.

Early Childhood:

Image result for bob marley as a child

This is the second life stage Bob Marley goes through. At this stage he is between three to eight years old.

Physical development –

During early childhood Bob grew steadily. Bobs ability improved while developing and became more advanced. At the age of three years old he was able to climb up the stairs , run and also jump. When Bob marley was four years old he was able to do many things such as being able to throw large objects such as a ball and kicking a ball.

Intellectual development-

Bob is now  able to make little variations of sound and has a increase in vocabulary. As he gets older they will be able to structure there sentences more probably. Bob has the ability to sense objects. For example toys of animals they are slowly able to identify which animal is which.

Emotional development-

Bob experienced a whole range of new feelings that he was trying to express to his parents. He was able to share and cooperate with other children.

Social development-

Bobs social development changed during this life stage as he went from solitary play to parallel play



Image result for bob marley teenager

This is the third stage Bob went through in his life between the ages of nine to eighteen years old.

During this stage of his life, he started to feel as if his sense of self – worth may be influenced by other adolescents rather than his family. .

Physical development – went through puberty  such as the penis and testicles grow , pubic hair becomes thicker , under arm starts to grow. This could effect his emotion development as it can cause him to be stressed and his self esteem might depend on the development of his identify.

Emotional development – Bob needed to feel as if he was valued, trusted and accepted by his friends of his age. He felt like nobody understood him so he would often be frustrated and have mood swings which had a impact on his emotional development. Bob started to feel as if his sense of self  – worth may be influenced by other adolescents rather than his family

Social development- His social life started to expand as he was making a lot of friends and meeting new people.

Early adulthood:

Image result for bob marley as a teenager

This is the fourth life stage Bob went through between the ages of nineteen to forty  five.

Physical development- Has went through all the stages of puberty. By the time Bob was a adult he reached his physical peak where he no longer grows anymore  as he is fully developed.

In adolescence Bobs reproductive organs have fully developed which means he is able to reproduce and have his own children.

Intellectual development- Bob constantly learnt new things his intellectual never stopped but developed more.

Social development – As he was a adult he developed close relationships , bonds and friendships. He had a close relationship, he had a girlfriend and then got married to Alpharita Constantia Anderson. He got married on February 10th in 1966. Bob had 14 children in total.

Later Adulthood:             

Image result for bob marley old

This is the fifth life stage Bob Marley goes through during his life forty six and more.

In this life stage, Bob carried on with his career. He has been awarded many awards and achievements many things in his career. His social life changed as he was getting older and physical weak and ill due to the fact he had a disease. His emotional needs were fulfilled because he was still carrying on with the most important thing in his life which is career music.

Physical development-

During later adulthood his body started to go into physical decline. His skin began to loose elasticity, his senses started to deteriorate as he was getting older  for example his hearing and sight problems started to become problems. Bobs hair started to become gray and his body become weaker.

Intellectual development-

During later adulthood Bobs mind was not stimulated enough and he started to forget things. Between these ages its prone to get diseases , illnesses and memory loss or dementia.He learnt new skills by doing activities that keeps him active such as fishing.

Social development – As a elderly  Bob Marley  didn’t have much of a social life as most of his friends and family could of passed away.

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