

P2*- Explain the potential effects of the five different life factors on the development of an individual

Bob Marley’s development was affected positively and  negatively by a number of life factors. Lifestyle factors that can affect the development of an individual include genetic, biological, environment , socioeconomic factors.

A lifestyle factor that affected Bob marley was his beliefs. Bob Marleys religion was Rastafarian he was part of the Rastafarian movement for years. He converted from Christianity to a Rasta. This religion is mostly popular in Jamaica.


Another lifestyle factor that affects Bob is genes. Bob Marley’s  mother Cedella marley brooker was a singer she had such a beautiful voice. Bob inherited his mums good voice which had a good impact on his career as a individual. He is the most inspirational artist in all time.

Housing : During his childhood he lived with his grandfather, living comfortably means that he has more of a greater chance of having a bright and good future. Poor housing can cause stress and damage to your physical and mental health and development.
My celebrity lived with his grandfather , his father died when he was the age of 10 years old his dad had abandoned him before that. However this did not effect him as he had a bright future and today is the most influential man in the industry. His mother was only a teenager seventeen years old and his father sixty years old was a plantation overseer. His father died in 1955 because of a heart attack. Bob marley grew up angry with his father as he felt he mistreated him and his mother.

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Environment: Jamaican society held very few opportunities for blacks at that time. Bob marley grew up in an environment where violent crime was glorified by many young people as one of the few ways of getting ahead.

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Socioeconomic status:

Bob Marley’s social economic status was stable as he did attend school , he had a good education and  a good stable job. His socioeconomic status did not affect him as he was independent and he was working since he was young which meant he had money to cope in his day to day life.


Image result for weed bob marley smoke

Use and misuse of drugs:

Bob Marley was a very popular singer and believed in the drug marijuana which is also known as weed. His album of catch a fire he shows him self smoking a joint which is called marijuana. Most of his life and career he spent his time smoking this drug. This drug affects you intellectual as it causes a lack  of concentration.  This affects you emotionally as it can cause your persona personality and your mood to change. The misuse of this drug has a negative effect socially as it causes problems and can make him easily get in to trouble. However, he did not die because of his drug abuse it was his condition that eventually killed him.




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Biological factors:

He was a healthy child as he inherited good genes from both of his parents as there was no infections during pregnancy. This has a positive effect on his development and health as he is developing as normal and intellectually his brain is developing.

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