
  P2*- Explain the potential effects of the five different life factors on the development of an individual Bob Marley's development was affected positively and  negatively by a number of life factors. Lifestyle factors that can affect the development of an individual include genetic, biological, environment , socioeconomic factors. A lifestyle factor that affected Bob … Continue reading P2

P5&M3 – Explain the physical and psychological changes which may be associated with ageing and discuss the effects on self esteem and self confidence of the physical changes associated with ageing.

Unit 4 : Development Through The Life Stages This unit is about the development through each life stage and I have based my assignment on a black inspirational celebrity Bob Marley. In this unit I will be talking about the life stages Bob Marley goes through and this unit is about understanding the way we […]

Unit 4 : Development Through The Life Stages – Celebrity: Bob Marley P1- Describe Physical, intellectual , emotional and social development for each of the lifestages of your chosen celebrity.

Unit 4 : Development Through The Life Stages This unit is about the development through each life stage and I have based my assignment on a black inspirational celebrity Bob Marley. In this unit I will be talking about the life stages Bob Marley goes through and this unit is about understanding the way we … Continue reading Unit 4 : Development Through The Life Stages – Celebrity: Bob Marley P1- Describe Physical, intellectual , emotional and social development for each of the lifestages of your chosen celebrity.