M2 Discuss two major theories of ageing in relation the development of the individual

M2 – Discuss two major theories of ageing in relation the development of the individual

In this part of my assignment I will be explaining the two major theories of ageing. I will also  be discussing the two major theories in relation to the development of the  Bob Marley and evaluate the two major theories .

Social disengagement:

I believe that Bob Marley will disengage from the community as he gets older. As my he gets older his health will deteriorate even more, and he already struggles to leave the house by herself now. ImageAs his health gets bad he will start to  not be included in society as he is marginalised and stereotyped because of his age.


Bob Marley may live distance and apart from everyone to a more quite area as he may not feel included with others and want to be by himself. This means he will be leaving his  family behind, the visits would decrease over time as it just take to long to get there and no one has that amount of time to spend travelling. It would very hard for Bob to travel to far places as she may get dizzy and it may be painful for him to sit for a long period of time due to ageing. Therefore, this will affect him from socialising with other people.

He will not be able to work for a while  due to his condition, he may loose contact with friends and colleagues. Bob Marley may find it hard to use phones as the text they use is relatively small, so texting, or using the phone for phone calls may not be able to be done without using glasses to see clearer and better. The brightness on the phone may also become an issue as it could be to dark or to bright for him. Vision is one of the main problem of getting old during ageing as an elderly. This problem will prevent him from maintaining contact with friends and family.

Activity theory:

He may develop some new hobbies if his health improves so it keeps him busy. Bob Marley  wont be able to take part in many physical activities because of his conditions, however he could take part in some actives or courses such as drawing and painting. This will be good as he could socialise with other elderly people. By Bob Marley taking part in activities it will stop him from feeling secluded  which is good emotionally as it prevents causing depression. Bob marley began travelling and exploring more as he was still touring and performing. the best bits of growing old widening her knowledge and enjoying the time she has left.


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Disengagement theory-  

The disengagement theory means that the older people will need to withdraw from the social contact with other individuals.

Older people will withdraw their involvement due to their reduced physical health and the decrease of social opportunities. The theory also claims that older people withdrawing from the social interaction tends to be natural as they grow.



Issues that limit social interaction are as shown-

Geographical mobility Family members may move from older people due to better housing or employment. A number of people tend to retire to areas away from family and friends.
Retirement Retiring from work could lead to less contact with colleagues in a social setting.
Ill health of friends or family members If friends or relatives have any disability or poor mobility this can limit social contact with you.
Travel and technology Some older people may not have access to a car, a mobile phone or the internet. This may limit opportunities for social contact.

(Health and Social Care Book 1, 2010) Table 4.10

Muhammad Ali has shown some of the issues that limit his social interaction as he became ill with Parkinson’s disease which meant that there where certain things that he was able to do it also meant that  he had poor mobility which limited social contact towards his family members. However it also can lead to depression so Muhammad Ali would feel more alone and develop negative things towards his daily activities.

Many elderly people are getting ill and are needing more health and social care services to take care of them . By the government cutting down on social services this may become a challenge for elderly people because they are not able to rely on the government any more, so they’d have to make use out of their free time either by staying with relatives or getting a voluntary job.

Some elderly people may get ill and the government would have to provide a service to help them especially those who are not sociable or socially involved with the environment. In this case Muhammad Ali got help from health care provision as doctors prescribed him drugs which alleviated the worst of his symptoms.

Muhammad Ali also retired when he found out that he had Parkinson’s  disease which probably led to less contacts with colleagues that were involved in his social life. Due to that the government should spend time funding care centres and more elderly homes for those who feel that type of way, no person should be feeling left out or invisible to the world when they once played an important role in it for people like Muhammad Ali. Elderly people should feel belonged somewhere and with  healthcare centres around this can become very useful as it can boost up their self-esteem and could enjoy most of the time they have left with their families.

So for this to be put in place the government should put different types of services such as Care centres for certain disease’s, counselling group/ session and advice about social security.

Continuity theory-

The continuity theory is one of the three major psychosocial theories which describe how people develop in old age. The theory states that older people will tend to maintain a continuous sense of who they are and adapt the self concept they developed earlier in life.

Not every elderly person wants to stop working they may want to continue working as it makes them feel belonged in society, they still want to play their part in the world instead of sitting down at home feeling sorry for themselves or feeling left out.

For example when Muhammad Ali became old and suffering from Parkinson’s disease he decided to create the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center (MAPC) in 1997.It is a National Parkinson Foundation Center of Excellence, and a wonderful resource for people with Parkinson’s and their families.  As he got older, he became a Philanthropist and decided to help people, so this meant he continued to inspire people.

In conclusion there are many types ageing theories many worse than others but in the end they all end the same way in resulting death.